ACL Pre-season Sports Screening

    The ACL Preseason Sports Screening program is designed to help identify both female and male athletes at risk for injury during the athletic season. As competitive after school sports continue to grow in popularity so do the number of serious injuries. The goal of this program is to be proactive and identify a potential problem prior to an injury. Screening is done though video analysis, quad/ hamstring strength measures and four well known testing protocols.12_0328

    Screening Includes
    • Video Analysis of a Drop, Vertical Jump
    • Hamstring/ Quad Ratio M.M.T.
    • Y Balance test prediction algorithm
    • Drop, Vertical Jump prediction algorithm
    • Side to Side Hop Timed Test
    • Cross Over Hop Test

    Program Benefits
    • Identify athletes at heightened risk for injury
    • Address problem areas
    • Develop an Injury Prevention Plan

    ACL preseason screening is a cash pay program which allows us extra time and dedication to help our clients reach their goals.


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