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ACL Injuries Commonly Plague Female Athletes

During the last decade, participation in women’s sports has grown immensely. Unfortunately, so has the number of serious knee ligament injuries sustained by female athletes.

Females are two to eight times more likely to rupture the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) than males. Most are noncontact injuries, in which the athlete is either landing from a jump with an extended knee or quickly decelerating and pivoting. But it is important to analyze why female athletes are at greater risk: The anatomy of the female
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Physical Therapy Plays a Key Role after Knee Surgery

Young athletes and active adults are well aware of the tremendous social and health benefits that come from participating in sporting activities.  The down side to being active is sustaining an injury. Roughly 15% of all sports injuries involve the knee and its associated structures.  While rest is the answer for many athletes, others inevitably require surgery.  Post operatively, physical therapy plays a vital role in returning these athletes back to their sport.

Rehab is much more than gym exercises.
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Backpack Safety

Recently, there has been a growing concern over the use of backpacks and the safety concerns they present for today’s youths.  This issue is receiving increased attention among many in the medical community and even in the California Legislator. It has been stated that nonspecific back pain increases from less than 10% in the pre teen years on upward to 50% among 15 and 16 year olds.  Much of the research attributes this prevalence to backpacks.

Too many kids are carrying excessive backpack loads which are adversely affecting posture and spinal alignment.
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The Truth About Stretching

Stretching has been advocated for years by coaches, trainers and many in health care as a significant way to prevent and decrease sports related injuries. Unfortunately, this belief is more myth than fact. Don’t get me wrong, stretching has its place but it is very much misunderstood.

Flexibility is not what prevents injury.  Research shows us that injury rates are higher among athletes with both the most and least flexibility.  It is well accepted that most injuries tend to occur as the joint is going through its normal range and contracting eccentrically. An eccentric contraction is when the muscle contracts as it lengthen such as in downhill running.  Stretching will not change eccentric loading and it may actually mask muscle pain. There is evidence that aggressive stretching may even weaken the tissue attachment.
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Swimmer’s Shoulder

Whether you are a young athlete, an active adult or a sports enthusiast, you know injuries are just par for the course.  Swimmers are no strangers to pain, especially pain associated with swimmer’s shoulder. It is estimated that over 70% of competitive swimmers develop a shoulder injury at some point in their career.   Why is swimmer’s shoulder so pervasive?
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